We are in the midst of a Gospel Revolution

About Us

What is the Gospel Revolution?

We are in a monumental shift in the world and the ekklesia (Church) right now. Many sense it but few have language for this shift. My aim is to give perspective on this shift and help others participate in it by recommunicating the teachings of Yeshua and the apostles for the modern age. This is not an exclusionary message either but one intended for the good of ALL of humanity. It has been my prayer for 10 years to understand and know the original message of Yeshua and I offer you all of the revelation that I have experienced and study that I have done in that time as God has led me in the rediscovery of The Way. I am wired for the supernatural, the mystical and the revolutionary, care to join the adventure with me?

Want to learn more?

Whether you’re curious about the gospel revolution, Ascension,

or even my favorite color, I’m here to answer any questions.

The Gospel of Life and Immortality

The original and radical Gospel message.


Learn the art of relocating yourself mentally and experiencing Kingdom reality without leaving your chair.

Oneness and the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

The teaching of Oneness, The mind of Christ and the One New Man.

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